Keepers of the Flame - Adventist Heritage Series
Keepers of the Flame - 1 - The Apostasy
Keepers of the Flame - 2 - The Reformation
Keepers of the Flame - 3 - The Great Expectation
Keepers of the Flame - 4 - After the Disappointment
Keepers of the Flame - 5 - The Weakest of the Weak
Keepers of the Flame - 6 - A Lesser Light
Keepers of the Flame - 7 - A Healing Ministry
Keepers of the Flame - 8 - Ellen... The Woman
Through each of the eight episodes, dramatic vignettes capture the greatest moments of Martin Luther, the Waldenses, Calvin, Zwingli, and John Knox.
The light of truth has shown through time and is pointing to the second coming of Jesus Christ. DVD Set is available from Amazing Facts.
The light of truth has shown through time and is pointing to the second coming of Jesus Christ. DVD Set is available from Amazing Facts.