Honors are an important tool for achieving the Pathfinder objectives of physical, mental, and spiritual growth.
Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Covid The NAD Team has come up with a list of honors that can possibly be earned at home during the COVID-19 shut-down. Some honors have had tips added to help you with this. Others have information at the very beginning of the honor to help you decide if your circumstances are suitable for earning the honor. Stay safe and wash your hands! Earning Honors at Home-123 Honors You Can Earn at Home - YouTube Video Links to Newly Added Honor Helps
Adventist Community Services (ACS) / ADRA Honors The Adventist Community Services (ACS) Honors are a series of community service honors intended for Pathfinders within North America. These honor patches are available from AdventSource. ADRA does not operate within the United States and therefore is NOT AVAILABLE at AdventSource.These honors were developed by ADRA, which is the Adventist Development and Relief Agency. The ADRA honors are approved by the General Conference but are intended for Pathfinders outside of North America, while the similar Community Services honors are intended for Pathfinders inside of North America. You will have difficulty getting ADRA patches in North America since the North American Division has voted not to make the patches available. To order the ADRA Honors go to the Outfitter Store. The official requirements for the ADRA series of honors can be found at the General Conference's Youth Ministries website Pathfinder Honor Skill Levels Each honor is assigned a skill level to guide leaders in selecting grade-appropriateness. These levels are recommendations designed to guide leaders in their choice of honors.
Online HonorsBelow are ideas of honors that can be worked on online. If you don't have a printer to print off the worksheets, you can use blank sheets of paper. Turn the worksheets in to your counselor or club director when you are able. If there are projects or skills that you need to do to complete the honor, have someone take pictures or videos of you doing these skills. Then give copies to your Pathfinder Staff with the paperwork. Have fun! Groups doing eHonors
e-Honors on YouTube, Facebook Video or Slideshows
These are gradually being moved to the individual honor category helps.
If you don't find it here, check there.
Aboriginal Lore Honor (Level 1)
Prerequisite - Must already have the Airplane Modeling Honor
(Your club or unit can schedule a Backpacking campout once Pathfinders starts again)
* Staying Present in Bogs and Fens with Russell Sherfin
* What is a Bog? YouTube Video
Bones and Muscle Movement (Level 2)
* Paper Mache Coral Reef display YouTube Video (Part 2)
* How to Make a Model of the Great Barrier Reef out of Pasta YouTube Video
* DIY Expandable Spray Foam Coal Reef Decoration YouTube Video
Creationism Honor (Level 2)
Prerequisite - Must already have the Red Alert Honor First Aid, Basic (Level 1)
Flowers Honor (Level 1)
Prerequisite - Must already have the Rocks and Minerals Honor
If you don't find it here, check there.
Aboriginal Lore Honor (Level 1)
- Aboriginal Lore YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Aboriginal Lore Worksheet (**BUC)
- Aboriginal Lore Worksheet (NAD)
- Adinkra YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Adinkra Worksheet (**BUC)
- ADRA Hunger Relief YouTube Video (**BUC)
- ADRA Hunger Relief Slideshow (**BUC)
- ADRA Hunger Relief Worksheet (BUC)
- African Lore YouTube Video (**BUC)
- African Lore Worksheet (NAD)
- Agriculture YouTube Video (**BUC) (Level 2)
- Agriculture Slideshow (**BUC)
- Agriculture Worksheet (**BUC)
- Agriculture Worksheet (NAD)
- Alive Bible Slideshow (**LUC)
- Alive Bible Worksheet (NAD)
- Amphibians YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Amphibians YouTube Video (**SNEC)
- Amphibians Worksheet (NAD)
- Animal Camouflage YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Animal Camouflage Worksheet (NAD)
- Animal Tracking Slides (**LUC)
- Animal Tracking Worksheet (NAD)
- Antelope Facebook Video (Red Zone-Florida Conference)
- Antelopes Worksheet (NAD)
- Artificial Intelligence Slides (**LUC)
- Artificial Intelligence Facebook Video (**LUC)
- Artificial Intelligence Worksheet (NAD)
Prerequisite - Must already have the Airplane Modeling Honor
- Aviator Facebook Video (**LUC)
- Aviator Worksheet (NAD)
(Your club or unit can schedule a Backpacking campout once Pathfinders starts again)
- Backpacking YouTube Video (Requirements 1 and 2) (**MGO)
- Backpacking YouTube Video (Requirement 3) (**MGO)
- Backpacking YouTube Video (Requirement 4) (**MGO)
- Backpacking YouTube Video (Requirements 5 and 6) (**MGO)
- Backpacking YouTube Video (Requirements 7-10) (**MGO)
- Backpacking YouTube Video (Requirements 11-13) (**MGO)
- Backpacking YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Backpacking PowerPoint (**BUC)
- Backpacking YouTube Video-Part 1 (The Pathfinders United)
- Backpacking YouTube Video - Part 2 (The Pathfinders United)
- Backpacking Additional Resources (**MGO)
- Backpacking Worksheet (**BUC)
- Backpacking Worksheet (NAD)
- Baking YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Baking Slide Show (**BUC)
- Baking Worksheet (**BUC)
- Baking Worksheet (NAD)
- Barbering & Hairstyle (**LUC)
- Barbering & Hairstyle Worksheet (NAD)
- Basic Sewing Slides (**LUC)
- Basic Sewing - Surgical Face Mask Pattern (**LUC)
- Basic Sewing Worksheet (NAD)
- Other Basic Sewing Helps (Pathfinder Connection)
- Bats YouTube Video (Glen Morrow)
- Bats Worksheet (Glen Morrow)
- Bats Slides (**LUC)
- Bats YouTube Video (**AAC)
- Bats Worksheet (NAD)
- Additional Resources - Pathfinder Connection-Bats
- Bible Marking Slides (**LUC)
- Bible Marking YouTube Video (Outdoor Lessons)
- Bible Marking YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Bible Marking YouTube Video (Sydney Adventist Youth)
- Bible Marking Worksheet (SAY)
- Bible Marking Worksheet (NAD)
- Biosafety YouTube Video (NAD) (Information about this new honor)
- Biosafety Requirements (NAD)
- Biosafety YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Biosafety Slideshow (**BUC)
- Biosafety Worksheet (**BUC)
- Biosafety Facebook Video (**LUC) Level 1
Biosafety Worksheet (NAD) - Biosafety Wiki
- Bird YouTube Video (Outdoor Lessons)
- Birds YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Birds Facebook Video (**NUC)
- Setting Up a Bird or Animal Feeder YouTube Video (Bob Holbrook)
- Bird Honor Resources (Pathfinder Connection)
- Bird Worksheet (NAD)
- Bogs and Fens (**SNEC)
- Bogs and Fens Worksheet (NAD)
- Videos to help complete requirement 11c.
* Staying Present in Bogs and Fens with Russell Sherfin
* What is a Bog? YouTube Video
Bones and Muscle Movement (Level 2)
- Bones, Muscles and Movement Facebook Video (**LUC)
- Bones, Muscles and Movement Slideshow (**LUC)
- Bones, Muscles and Movement YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Bones, Muscles and Movement Slideshow (**BUC)
- Bones, Muscles and Movement Worksheet (**BUC)
- Bones, Muscles and Movement Worksheet (NAD)
- Bookkeeping YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Bookkeeping Slideshow (**BUC)
- Bookkeeping Worksheet (**BUC)
- Brain and Behavior Slides (**LUC)
- Brain Behavior Video Facebook (**LUC)
- Brain and Behavior Worksheet (NAD)
- Bridges YouTube Video (Phil Yates)
- Bridges Worksheet (SAY)
- Bridges Facebook Video (**GNYC)
- Bridges YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Bridges Presentation (**BUC)
- Bridges Worksheet (NAD)
- Business Slideshow (**LUC)
- Business Worksheet (NAD)
- Cacti YouTube Video (**Rachel)
- Cacti YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Cacti Slideshow (**BUC)
- Cacti Worksheet (BUC)
- Cacti, Advanced Worksheet (BUC)
- Cacti Worksheet (NAD)
- Camp Safety YouTube Video (Sydney Adventist Youth)
- Camp Safety Worksheet (SAY)
- Camp Safety Worksheet (NAD)
- Camping Skills I YouTube Video (**SNEC)
- Camping Skills I Worksheet (NAD)
- Cancer Awareness YouTube Video (**SNEC)
- Order honor patch from snecyouth.com call them.
- Cancer Awareness Worksheet (**SNEC)
- Card Making Slideshow (**UCC)
- Card Making Worksheet (NAD)
- Cats YouTube Video (**AAC)
- Cats YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Cats Worksheet (**BUC)
- Cats Worksheet (NAD)
- Child Care Slideshow (**LUC)
- Child Care YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Child Care Presentation (**BUC)
- Child Care Worksheet (NAD)
- Chocolate YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Chocolate Worksheet (BUC)
- Chocolate PowerPoint (BUC)
- Christian Art of Preaching Facebook Video (**LUC)
- Christian Art of Preaching Slideshow (**LUC)
- Christian Art of Preaching YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Christian Art of Preaching Slideshow (BUC)
- Christian Art of Preaching Worksheet (**BUC)
- Christian Art of Preaching Worksheet (NAD)
- Christian Sales Principles YouTube Video (Chino Spanish SDA Church)
- Christian Sales Principles Worksheet (NAD)
- Christian Storytelling Facebook Video (**GNYC)
- Christian Storytelling Slides (**LUC)
- Christian Storytelling YouTube Video (Phil Yates)
- Christian Storytelling YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Christian Storytelling PowerPoint (**BUC)
- Christian Storytelling Worksheet (*SAY)
- Christian Storytelling Worksheet (NAD)
- Christian Visitation Facebook Video (**LUC)
- Christian Visitation Slides (**LUC)
- Christian Visitation Slideshow (**UCC)
- Christian Visitation Worksheet (NAD)
- Climate Science YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Climate Science Slideshow (BUC)
- Climate Science Worksheet (**NAD)
- Communication (Semaphore) YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Communication (Semaphore) Slide Show (**BUC)
- Communication Worksheet (NAD)
- Computers Slideshow (**LUC)
- Computers YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Computers Slideshow (**BUC)
- Computers Worksheet (BUC)
- Computers Worksheet (NAD)
- Cooking Facebook Video (**LUC)
- Cooking Worksheet (NAD)
- Cooking, Advanced Facebook Video (**LUC)
- Cooking, Advanced Worksheet (NAD)
- Coqui YouTube Video (**SNEC)
- Coqui Worksheet (SNEC)
- Coqui YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Coqui Slideshow (**BUC)
- Coqui Worksheet (**BUC)
- Coral Reef YouTube Video (**Phil Yates)
- Coral Reef Worksheet (SAY)
- Coral Reef Worksheet (NAD)
* Paper Mache Coral Reef display YouTube Video (Part 2)
* How to Make a Model of the Great Barrier Reef out of Pasta YouTube Video
* DIY Expandable Spray Foam Coal Reef Decoration YouTube Video
Creationism Honor (Level 2)
- Creationism Facebook Video (**SNEC)
- Creationism YouTube Video (**SWAU - Dr. Timothy Standish)
- Creationism Worksheet (NAD)
- Crisis Intervention Facebook Video (**GNYC)
- Crisis Intervention YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Crisis Intervention Slideshow (**Upper Columbia Conference)
- Crisis Intervention Worksheet (**BUC)
- Crisis Intervention Worksheet (NAD) Level 3
- Cryptography YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Cryptography YouTube Video - Part 1 (**Cape Conference Western Region Youth Department)
- Cryptography YouTube Video - Part 2 (**Cape Conference Western Region Youth Department)
- Cryptography Worksheet (BUC)
- Cultural Diversity Appreciation Honor Slides (**LUC)
- Cultural Diversity Appreciation YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Cultural Diversity Appreciation Worksheet (**BUC)
- Cultural Diversity Appreciation Worksheet (NAD)
- Cultural Heritage Facebook Video (**Living Hope Messengers)
- Cultural Heritage YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Cultural Heritage Worksheet (**BUC)
- Cultural Heritage Worksheet (NAD)
- Currency (Coins) YouTube Video (Nahum Mendez)
- Currency (Coins) YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Currency (Coins) Slideshow (**BUC)
- Currency (Coins) Worksheet (NAD)
- Decoupage YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Decoupage Slideshow (**BUC)
- Decoupage Worksheet (NAD)
- Digital Photography YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Digital Photography Slideshow (**BUC)
- Digital Photography Worksheet (NAD)
- Digestion YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Digestion Slides (**BUC)
- Digestion Facebook Video (**LUC)
- Digestion Worksheet (**BUC)
- Digestion Worksheet (NAD)
- Dinosaur Facebook Video (Matt Ellis)
- Dinosaur Facebook Video (Cory Goss)
- Dinosaur Worksheet (NAD)
- Disciples & Apostles YouTube Video Part 1 (GNYC)
- Disciples & Apostles YouTube Video (**SWAU - Dr. Tom Shephard)
- Disciples and Apostles Facebook Video (**GNYC)
- Disciples & Apostles Worksheet (NAD)
- Dogs YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Dogs Slideshow (**BUC)
- Dogs Slideshow (**LUC)
- Dogs Worksheet (NAD)
- Drawing YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Drawing Slideshow (**BUC) .
- Drawing Worksheet (BUC)
- Drawing Worksheet (NAD)
- For Instructors: Learn to Teach the Drawing Honor YouTube Video (**Pathfinder Strong)
- Resource to help teach Drawing Honor: Strathmore "Learn to Draw" Book (**Pathfinder Strong)
- Ecology YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Ecology Slideshow (**BUC)
- Ecology Worksheet (NEC)
- Ecology Worksheet (NAD)
- Electricity YouTube Video (**SNEC)
- Electricity Worksheet (NAD)
- Edible Wild Plants Slides (**LUC)
- Edible Wild Plants Handout (**LUC)
- Edible Wild Plants Facebook Video (**GNYC)
- Edible Wild Plants Worksheet (NAD)
- Endangered Species Slideshow (**LUC)
* 10 Most Beautiful Endangered Animals on Planet Earth
* 25 Endangered Animals Our Next Generation Might Not See - Endangered Species Worksheet (NAD)
- Family Life Slides (**LUC)
- Family Life YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Family Life Worksheet (**BUC)
- Family Life Worksheet (NAD)
- Feeding Ministries YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Feeding Ministries Slide Show (**BUC)
- Feeding Ministries Worksheet (**BUC)
- Feeding Ministries Worksheet (NAD)
Prerequisite - Must already have the Red Alert Honor First Aid, Basic (Level 1)
- First Aid, Basic Slideshow (**LUC)
- First Aid, Basic Worksheet (NAD)
- Flags Slideshow (**LUC)
- Flags YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Flags Slideshow (**BUC)
- Flags Worksheet (**BUC)
- Flags Worksheet (NAD)
* Flag Folding YouTube Video
Flowers Honor (Level 1)
- Flowers YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Flowers Slideshow (**BUC)
- Flowers Worksheet (NAD)
- Plant ID Slides (**BUC)
- Name the Flower Part Quiz Sheet and Answersyouth.adventistchurch.org.uk/e-club-flowers-honour (**BUC)
- Food Freezing Slide Show (**LUC)
- Food Freezing YouTube Video (**Phil Yates)
- Food Freezing Worksheet (**SAY)
- Food Freezing Worksheet (NAD)
- Fossils YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Rich Aguilera goes on fossil dig in Wyoming YouTube Video
- Fossils PowerPoint (BUC)
- Fossils Worksheet (BUC)
- Fossils Facebook Video (**LUC)
- Fossils Worksheet (NAD)
- Guitar Honor YouTube Video (Part 1) (Kentucky-TN Conference)
- Guitar Honor YouTube Video (Part 2) (Kentucky-TN Conference)
- Guitar Honor Worksheet (NAD)
- Genealogy YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Genealogy Slideshow (**BUC)
- Genealogy Worksheet (**BUC)
- Geocaching YouTube Video (**NAD)
- Geocaching Facebook Video (**LUC)
- Geocaching YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Geocaching Slideshow (**BUC)
- Geocaching Worksheet (**BUC)
- Geocaching Worksheet (NAD)
- God's Messenger YouTube Video (**SWAU - Jud Lake & Michael Campbell)
- God's Messenger YouTube Video (**BUC)
- God's Messenger Worksheet (NAD)
- Health & Healing Slides (**LUC)
- Health & Healing YouTube Video (**SNEC)
- Health & Healing Worksheet (NAD)
- Hearing YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Hearing Worksheet (**BUC)
- Heart and Circulation YouTube Video (**SNEC)
- Heart & Circulation Facebook Video (**GNYC)
- Heart and Circulation Slideshow (**LUC)
- Heart & Circulation YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Heart & Circulation Slideshow (**BUC)
- Heart and Circulation Worksheet (NAD)
- Herbs Facebook Video (**NUC)
- Herbs Worksheet (NAD)
- Heredity YouTube Video (**NUYouth)
- Heredity Worksheet (NAD)
- Home Nursing (**SNEC)
- Home Nursing YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Home Nursing Slideshow (**BUC)
- Home Nursing Worksheet (**BUC)
- Home Nursing Worksheet (NAD)
- Housekeeping Slideshow (**LUC)
- Housekeeping Video Facebook (**LUC)
- Housekeeping Worksheet (NAD)
- Housekeeping Honor Resources (Pathfinder Connection)
- Hymn Facebook Video (**GNYC)
- Hymn Slideshow (Pathfinder Strong)
- Hymn Worksheet (NAD)
- Identifying Community Needs YouTube Video (**BUC)
Identifying Community Needs Slideshow and YouTube Video (**UCC) - Identifying Community Needs Worksheet (NAD)
- Insects YouTube Video (**SNEC)
- Insects Worksheet (NAD)
- Internet YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Internet PowerPoint and Worksheet (**BUC)
- Internet Worksheet (NAD)
- Juggling YouTube Video (**Phil Yates)
- Juggling by the Numbers YouTube Video
- Juggling Videos
- Juggling Worksheet (**SAY)
- Juggling Worksheet (**NAD)
- Journalism Facebook Video (**LUC)
- Journalism YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Journalism Worksheet (NAD)
- Kilts YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Kilts Slideshow (**BUC)
- Kilts Worksheet (**BUC)
- Kilts, Advanced Worksheet (**BUC)
- Kites YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Kites Worksheet (BUC)
- Kites Worksheet (NAD)
- Knot Tying YouTube Video 1 (**SEC)
- Knot Tying YouTube Video 2 (**SEC)
- Knot Tying YouTube Video 3 (**SEC)
- Knot Tying Worksheet (NAD)
- Laughter YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Laughter Slideshow (**BUC)
- Laughter Worksheet (**BUC)
- Laundering Honor Video Facebook (**LUC)
- Laundering Slides (**LUC)
- Laundering Worksheet (NAD)
- Pathfinder shows how to iron a blouse - YouTube Video
- Lego Design YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Lego Design Presentation (**BUC)
- Lego Design Worksheet (NAD)
- Lichens, Liverworts and Mosses YouTube Video (**SNEC)
- Lichens, Liverworts & Mosses Worksheet (NAD) Level 3
- Lighthouses YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Lighthouses YouTube Video (**Cape Conference Western Region Youth Department)
- Lighthouses Worksheet (NAD)
- Mammals YouTube Video (**Rachel)
- Mammals YouTube Video (NUYouth)
- Mammals YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Mammals Slideshow (**BUC)
- Mammals Worksheet (BUC)
- Mammals Worksheet (NAD)
- Marine Mammals YouTube Video (**AAC)
- Marine Mammals Worksheet (NAD)
- Read / listen to the book below to work on the Marine Mammals Honor (**Pathfinder Strong)
- The Secret of Scarlet Cove by Charles Mills - Chapter 1
- The Secret of Scarlet Cove by Charles Mills - Chapter 2
- The Secret of Scarlet Cove by Charles Mills - Chapter 3
- The Secret of Scarlet Cove by Charles Mills - Chapter 4
- The Secret of Scarlet Cove by Charles Mills - Chapter 5
- The Secret of Scarlet Cove by Charles Mills - Chapter 6
- The Secret of Scarlet Cove by Charles Mills - Chapter 7
- Media Broadcast Ministry YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Media Broadcast Ministry Facebook Video (**LUC)
- Media Broadcast Ministry Worksheet (NAD)
Prerequisite - Must already have the Rocks and Minerals Honor
- Meteorites YouTube Video (**Phil Yates)
- Meteorites Worksheet (SAY)
- Meteorites Worksheet (NAD)
- Microscopic Life YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Microscopic Life Slide Show (**BUC)
- Microscopic Life Worksheet (NAD)
- Migration YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Migration Presentation (**BUC)
- Migration Worksheet (**BUC)
- Migration Worksheet (NAD)
- Mobile Technology YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Mobile Technology PowerPoint (**BUC)
- Mobile Technology Worksheet (NAD)
- Model Rocketry YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Model Rocketry Slide Show (**BUC)
- Model Rocketry Worksheet (**BUC)
- Model Rocketry YouTube Video-Lesson 1 (Cory Harrison)
- Model Rocketry YouTube Video-Lesson 2 (Cory Harrison)
- Model Rocketry YouTube Video-Lesson 3 (Cory Harrison)
- Model Rocketry YouTube Video-Lesson 4 (Cory Harrison)
- Model Rocketry YouTube Video-Lesson 5 (Cory Harrison)
- Model Rocketry YouTube Video-Lesson 6 (Cory Harrison)
- Model Rocketry Worksheet (NAD)
- Moths and Butterflies YouTube Video (**Rachel)
- Moths and Butterflies Worksheet (NAD)
- Music YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Music Presentation (**BUC)
- Music Worksheet (NAD)
- Nutrition YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Nutrition Slides (**LUC)
- Nutrition YouTube Video (**LUC)
- Nutrition YouTube Video (**Phil Yates)
- The Guidelines - Eat for Health
- Nutrition Worksheet (**SAY)
- Nutrition Worksheet (NAD)
- Origami Facebook Video (**LUC)
- Easy Origami YouTube Video (**SNEC)
- Origami Honor (**AAC)
- Origami Worksheet (NAD) Level 1
- Painting YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Painting Worksheet (**BUC)
- Painting Worksheet (NAD)
- Palm Trees YouTube Video (**Phil Yates)
- Palm Trees Worksheet (SAY)
- Palm Trees Worksheet (NAD)
- Peacemaker YouTube Video 1 (**SEC)
- Peacemaker YouTube Video 2 (**SEC)
- Peacemaker YouTube Video 3 (**SEC)
- Peacemaker YouTube Video (Glenn Morrow)
- Peacemaker Slideshow (**LUC)
- Peacemaker Worksheet (NAD)
- Photography YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Photography Slideshow (**BUC)
- Photography Worksheet (**NAD)
- Physical Fitness YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Physical Fitness Facebook Video (**GNYC)
- Physical Fitness Worksheet (NAD)
- Pigeon Raising YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Pigeon Raising Worksheet (**BUC)
- Pigeon Raising Worksheet (NAD)
- Pin Trading YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Pin Trading Honor Resources (**BUC)
- Pin Trading (**GCC)
- Pin Trading Worksheet (NAD)
- Pin Trading, Advanced (**GCC)
- Pin Trading, Advanced Worksheet (NAD)
- Pioneering Honor Helps (**Pathfinder Connection)
- Pizza Maker YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Pizza Maker Facebook Video (**LUC)
- Making Pizza YouTube Video (**Oregon Conference)
- Pizza Dough Recipe (**LUC)
- Pizza Maker Worksheet (NAD)
- Podcasting YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Podcasting Requirements (BUC)
- Postcard Honor YouTube Video (Collegedale Pathfinders)
- Postcard Honor Worksheet (Collegedale Pathfinders)
- Postcard Honor YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Postal Museum Postcard Blog
- Postcard Honor Worksheet (NAD)
- Poultry YouTube Video (Phil Yates)
- Poultry Worksheet (SAY)
- Poultry Worksheet (NAD)
- Prayer YouTube Video (Part 1) (**Phil Yates)
- Prayer Honor YouTube Video (Part 2) (**Phil Yates)
- Prayer YouTube Video (**SEC)
- Prayer Facebook Video (**GNYC)
- Prayer YouTube Video (**LUC)
- Prayer Slides (**LUC)
- Prayer YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Prayer Worksheet (**BUC)
- Prayer Worksheet (**SAY)
- Prayer Honor Worksheet (NAD)
- Preach It Facebook Video (**LUC)
- Preach It Slide Show (**LUC)
- Preach It! Worksheet (NAD)
- Prophets and Prophecy YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Prophets & Prophecy YouTube Video (**SWAU - Dr. Joaquim Azevedo)
- Prophets & Prophecy Facebook Video (**GNYC)
- Prophets & Prophecy Facebook Video (**LUC) Mark O'ffill
- Prophets and Prophecy Worksheet (NAD)
- Puppetry YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Puppetry Slideshow (**BUC)
- Puppetry Worksheet (**BUC)
- Puppetry Worksheet (NAD)
- Quilting YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Quilting Slideshow (**BUC)
- Quilting Worksheet (NAD)
- Quilting Helps (Pathfinder Connection)
- Red Alert Slides (**LUC)
- Red Alert YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Red Alert Slideshow (**BUC)
- Red Alert Worksheet (BUC)
- Red Alert Worksheet (NAD)
- Refugee Assistance YouTube Video (Phil Yates)
- Refugee Assistance Worksheet (SAY)
- Refugee Assistance Worksheet (NAD)
- Reptiles YouTube Video (**AAC)
- Reptiles Worksheet (NAD)
- Rocks and Minerals YouTube Video (Phil Yates)
- Rocks and Minerals Worksheet (SAY)
- Rocks and Minerals Worksheet (NAD)
- Sanctuary YouTube Video (**Perry Louden)
- Tabernacle of Moses YouTube Video (Messages of Christ)
- Old Testament Sanctuary PDF (**LUC)
- Alter Call - Book about the Sanctuary
- Old Testament Sanctuary Furniture PDF (**LUC)
- Sanctuary YouTube Video (**SWAU - Richard M. Davidson)
- Sanctuary YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Sanctuary Slideshow (**BUC)
- Sanctuary Worksheet (BUC)
- Sanctuary Honor Helps (Pathfinder Connection)
- Sanctuary Worksheet (NAD)
- Sand Honor YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Sand Honor WorksheetScrapbooking Honor (Level 1)
- Scrapbooking Slides (**LUC)
- Scrapbooking Facebook Video (**GNYC)
- Scrapbooking Worksheet (NAD)
- Seeds YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Seeds Facebook Video (**LUC)
- Seeds Worksheet (BUC)
- Seeds Worksheet (NAD)
- Hearing YouTube Video (**BUC)
Hearing Worksheet (**BUC) - Sight YouTube Video (**SEC)
Sight Worksheet - Smell YouTube Video (**BUC)
Smell Worksheet (**BUC) - Taste YouTube Video (**BUC)
Taste YouTube Video (**SEC)
Taste Worksheet (BUC) - Touch YouTube Video (**BUC)
Touch Slide Show (**BUC)
Touch Worksheet (**BUC)
- Sharks Facebook Video (**LUC)
- Sharks Worksheet (NAD)
- Shells YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Shells Worksheet (NAD)
- Shrubs Facebook Video (**GNYC)
- Shrubs Worksheet (NAD) Level 1
- Sign Language Honor YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Sign Language Worksheet (NAD)
- Soap Craft Facebook Video (**LUC)
- Soap Craft Worksheet (NAD)
- Soap Craft Advanced (**LUC)
- Soap Craft Advanced Worksheet (NAD)
- Soap Making YouTube Video (Part 1) (Net SDA Church)
- Soap Making YouTube Video (Part 2) (Net SDA Church)
- Soap Making Worksheet (NAD)
- Social Media Slides (**LUC)
- Social Media YouTube Video (**LUC)
- Social Media Facebook Video (**GNYC)
- Social Media YouTube Video (**Phil Yates)
- Social Media Worksheet (**SAY)
- Social Media YouTube Video (**BUC)
Social Media Slides (**BUC) - Social Media Worksheet (NAD)
- Soils YouTube Video (**Phil Yates)
- Soils Worksheet (**SAY)
- Soils Worksheet (NAD)
- Stars YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Stars Worksheet (BUC)
- Stars YouTube Video (**NUYouth)
- Stars Worksheet (NAD)
- Stamps YouTube Video (**CCSDA)
- Stamps: An American Journey YouTube Video (Answers to questions 1 & 2)
- Stamps Worksheet (NAD)
- Street Art Facebook Video (**LUC)
- Street Art Worksheet (NAD) Level 2
- Stewardship YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Stewardship Slideshow (**BUC)
- Stewardship Worksheet (BUC)
- Stewardship YouTube Video (**Cape Conference Western Region Youth Department)
- Stewardship Worksheet (NAD)
- Taiga Honor YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Taiga Slideshow (**BUC)
- Taiga Worksheet (NAD)
- Temperance (**LUC)
Temperance Worksheet (NAD)
- Temperate Deciduous Forests (**BUC)
Temperate Deciduous Forests Slideshow (**BUC)
Temperate Deciduous Worksheet (NAD)
- Tie-Dye YouTube Video (**Phil Yates)
- Tie-Dye Worksheet (SAY)
- Tie-Die Worksheet (NAD)
- Touch YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Touch Slide Show (**BUC)
- Touch Worksheet (**BUC)
- Toy Boat Regatta YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Toy Boat Regatta Slideshow (**BUC)
- Toy Boat Regatta Worksheet (**BUC)
- Toy Boat Regatta Advanced Worksheet (**BUC)
- Toy Boat Regatta Rules
- Travel YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Travel Slideshow (**BUC)
- Travel Worksheet (BUC)
- Travel Worksheet (NAD)
- Trees YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Trees Facebook Video (**LUC)
- Trees Worksheet (NAD)
- Viruses YouTube Video (**Rachel)
- Viruses YouTube Video (Arthur Gibbs)
- Viruses Worksheet (Arthur Gibbs)
- Viruses Honor Slides (**LUC)
- Viruses YouTube Video (**LUC)
- Viruses Honor Class Notes (**LUC)
- Viruses YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Viruses Requirements and PowerPoint (**BUC)
- Viruses Worksheet (NAD)
- Visual Media Critic (**BUC)
- Visual Media Critic PowerPoint (**BUC)
- Visual Media Critic Worksheet (**BUC)
- Visual Media Critic Worksheet (NAD)
- Volcanoes YouTube Video (**SNEC)
- Volcanoes Worksheet (SNEC)
- Waterfalls YouTube Video (**Sydney Australia Youth)
- Waterfalls Worksheet (SAY)
- Waterfalls Slide Show (**LUC)
- Waterfalls YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Waterfalls Slideshow (BUC)
- Waterfalls Worksheet (NAD)
- Weather YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Weather Presentation (**BUC)
- Weather Worksheet (NAD)
- Worms YouTube Video (**BUC)
- Worms Worksheet (**NAD)