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Health Science Honors
Below are some helps for several of the honors in in the Health Sciences section.
Blood & Body's Defenses

Blood and the Body's Defenses Requirements - Skill Level 2
Wikibooks Blood and the Body's Defenses Answers
Here are a few websites that have some ways to help make teaching this honor interesting.
Wikibooks Blood and the Body's Defenses Answers
Here are a few websites that have some ways to help make teaching this honor interesting.
Bones, Muscles, and Movement

Bones, Muscles, and Movement Requirements - Skill Level 2
Wikibooks Bones, Muscles, and Movement Honor Answers
Here are a few websites that have some ways to help make teaching this honor interesting.
Wikibooks Bones, Muscles, and Movement Honor Answers
Here are a few websites that have some ways to help make teaching this honor interesting.
- The Big Story on Bones - Kid's Health
- Kidsport - Muscles of the Human Body
- Your Gross & Cool Body - Muscular System
- Human Anatomy Online - Skeletal System
Brain and Behavior (Skill Level 2)

- Brain and Behavior Slides (**LUC)
- Brain and Behavior Worksheet (NAD)

Digestion Honor Requirements - Skill Level 2
Wikibooks Digestion Honor Answers
Here are a few websites that have some ways to help make teaching this honor interesting.
Wikibooks Digestion Honor Answers
Here are a few websites that have some ways to help make teaching this honor interesting.