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Uniforms - Camporee Manual - Nature and Outdoor Activities
Pathfinder Bible Experience 2014
Georgia-Cumberland Conference is very excited to be joining the other Conferences in the Southern Union, in this challenging and enriching spriitural exercise!
Here is the information for this year's Pathfinder Bible Experience: 2013 Pathfinder Bible Experience
Books to Study: Acts and 1st & 2nd Thessalonians
Official Dates for Testing:
Pathfinder Bible Experience Guidelines (added Jan 31, 1913)
Here is the information for this year's Pathfinder Bible Experience: 2013 Pathfinder Bible Experience
Books to Study: Acts and 1st & 2nd Thessalonians
Official Dates for Testing:
- Area level, February ?
- Conference level, March ?
- Union level, March ?
- Division level, April ? at Lincoln, Nebraska
Pathfinder Bible Experience Guidelines (added Jan 31, 1913)
Registration - Information will be updated as we receive it
Registration has been extended until January 15 so that you can each have an opportunity to be updated by Lucille Thomas at the council meeting and get your club registered if you were uncertain of the process. January 15 will be the absolute deadline for registration because of the schedule that is in place. Thanks for all that you do to encourage our Pathfinders to study the Bible and memorize scripture. Preparing them to face the challenges of life with the word of god in their hearts in the goal! Registration Form